Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Understanding Culture Across the World

The following HSBC videos highlight the importance of knowing other peoples culture http://youtu.be/JK_NinOmFWw http://youtu.be/6_WAmt3cMdk

Monday, October 10, 2011

Daniel Pink on the surprising science of motivation

Motivation: New Perspective on Motivation from Daniel Pink

What Motivates Employees

Daniel Pink, the author of the book titled DRIVE offers a new perspective, based on research.
Watch the video:
What Motivates Employees

Try the following link to read a short and focused approach to a number of topics that are critical for your career success.

Arul John

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

MIT Open Courseware - Dynamic Leadership: using Improvisation in Business

Dynamic Leadership: using Improvisation in Business

MIT World - Videos

MIT Resources - Videos

HBR Videos

A one stop approach to learn from the experts. A large collection of short videos on management topics. Share it with your friends.

HarvardBusiness Videos

Arul John

HBR Ideacast

Practical ideas and management principles for busy managers. The Harvard Business Ideacast is the right place to learn all the critical management concepts. Try the link below.

Harvard Business Review Ideacast/

Monday, March 21, 2011

Coaching in Nursing

Coaching is an integral part of staff development. The document that could be accessed through the link below provides the required details.

Coaching in Nursing

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Creative Thinking @Work

What can we learn from Tata's Nano car? The design and manufacturing of the car challenged the traditional models of management. It is classical example of how one could use the SCAMPER model developed by by Bob Eberle. By asking what can we Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Minimise/Maximise, Put to other use, Eliminate or Reverse/Rearrange will open a whole range of new options or solutions.

Monday, January 10, 2011

8TQR3ANGTUAU Technorati Listing


Technorati Listing 8TQR3ANGTUAU

Saturday, January 8, 2011

How Creative Are You?

We believe that we are creative. Is it possible to measure one's creativity? Despite the controversy, a number of tools are available to emasure your creativity. The follwoing site provides a FREE tool to measure your creativity.

The Centre for Creative Thinking based in Singapore offers training on creative thinking.

Try it.
After obtaining your score, please share your thoughts in this blog. We look forward to your comments.
If you want a more comprehensive along with suggestions on how to manage more creatively then send an email to: info@creativityasia.com with your contact details. For details email info@creativityasia.com
Enjoy the assessment.

Friday, January 7, 2011

HGZPHMW8737X Listing in Technorati

I just tried to get my blog listed in Technorati. Technorati assigned the claim token HGZPHMW8737X to this claim.


Friday, September 10, 2010

Managing Your Career & Yourself

Managing your career is not an easy task. Getting along with people and remaining connected without burning the bridge requires a lot of effort and concentration. The following articles from HBR blog should help you in this area:

Six Keys to Being Excellent at Anything

For a better Career Outlook, Look Inward

Six Ways to Supercharge Your Productivity

How to Recognise (and cure) Your Own Hubris

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Test Your Personality

Take any of the personality tests below to find out more about yourself and those around you. All of these questionnaires have been developed by professional researchers. Results are free and provided instantly. Enjoy!

Test Your Personality

The Big Five Personality Test

Saturday, March 21, 2009

MHR 2009

To make it easier to access all the posting on related topics, I am including the following:

All assignments should adopt the Harvard style referencing. Please read the document at the following link:

Harvard Referencing - Audio Presentation from USQ

Harvard Referencing

Harvard Referencing

References and Bibliography

Harvard Bibiliograpghy Reference Generator

Get your punctuation and grammar right. Try the following site:


Grammar Exercises

Academic writing & critical thinking Learn how to write a good essay. Visit:
Writing an essay

Introduction to Management Principles
In order to do well in the Management and MHR module you should have a good understanding about the management principles and practices. You should at least read a basic textbook on management. For a quick familiarisation of Management principles and practices you may visit the following web sites:


Principles of Scientific Management
The study of management principles and practices is not complete until you have some basic understanding of Frederick Taylor's scientific management principles. You need to first know the basic details of the principles. You should also familiarise yourself with the relevance of the principles to a modern business organisation. You should find the following web links useful.

You can read Tarylor's book by following the link below:
The Principles of Scientific Management

Frederick Taylor's The Principles of Scientific Management

The following link analyse the Taylor's principle and its relevance to employee motivation:
The Scientific Management and Frederick Taylor - an analysis

An interesting analysis of Taylor's principles. Visit:
The Evolution of Innovation

Scientific Management

Business Ethics

Business Ethics

Job Analysis
Job analysis is carried out as part of HR Planning. There are several reasons for conducting Job Analysis. Read the recommended chapter in your text book (Human Resource Management by Gary Dessler) and the articles at the following websites. At the end of the reading, you should be able to explain the following concepts:

- What is Job Analysis?
- Job description and Job specification
- Reasons for conducting job analysis.
- Methods of data collection for job analysis
- Steps you will adopt when conducting job analysis

Job analysis
Job Analysis - an overview
Employee tasks & Job analysis

Recruitment & Selection
You will be able to learn almost all aspects of recruitment and selection from the following site (maintained by The Open University):

Recruitment & selection

Once recruitment is settled it is time to move on to selection. You should familiarise yourself on the following aspects of selection:
- Selections tests
- What is job interview and its purpose
- Common errors associated with job interviews
- Steps/solutions you need to adopt to make the selction interview effective.

Read the articles at the following sites:
Selection Process
Selection Tests
Successful Hiring
Successful selection

Training & Development
Resources on Training & Development
Benefits of Training
Training - is it worth?
Training Needs Analysis
Training Evaluation
Evaluating the training

Performance Appraisal
Read the articles at the following websites to familiarise yourself about Performance Appraisal:
Introduction to performance appraisal
Common Appraisal Errors
Why performance appraisal won't work?"
Conducting Employee Appraisal

International Assignment Practices
The International assignment is an important component of HR. Read the following articles:
Am I Ready for that International Assignment?
Reducing the Failure of International assignment
The Benefits of International Assignment
Knowledge@Wharton offers a range of articles on HRM, leadership and several other management related topics. Hope you will find it useful. You may be asked to sign in with an email, but it is worth the trouble. The email is used to just update you about the latest articles.

Additional Resources on HRM
HRM articles ar Wharton

Friday, February 6, 2009

PBM II - Principles of Management SCU

To make it easier to access all the posting on related topics (PBM II), I am including the following:

All assignments should adopt the Harvard style referencing. Please read the document at the following link:

Harvard Referencing - Audio Presentation from USQ

Harvard Referencing

Harvard Referencing

References and Bibliography

Harvard Bibiliograpghy Reference Generator

Get your punctuation and grammar right. Try the following site:


Grammar Exercises

Academic writing & critical thinking Learn how to write a good essay. Visit:
Writing an essay

Introduction to Management Principles
In order to do well in the Management and MHR module you should have a good understanding about the management principles and practices. You should at least read a basic textbook on management. For a quick familiarisation of Management principles and practices you may visit the following web sites:


Principles of Management: PDF Book

Fayol's 14 Principles of management

Principles of Scientific Management
The study of management principles and practices is not complete until you have some basic understanding of Frederick Taylor's scientific management principles. You need to first know the basic details of the principles. You should also familiarise yourself with the relevance of the principles to a modern business organisation. You should find the following web links useful.

You can read Tarylor's book by following the link below:
The Principles of Scientific Management

Frederick Taylor's The Principles of Scientific Management

The following link analyse the Taylor's principle and its relevance to employee motivation:
The Scientific Management and Frederick Taylor - an analysis

An interesting analysis of Taylor's principles. Visit:
The Evolution of Innovation

Scientific Management

Business Ethics

Business Ethics

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The link between management and productivity

The article from The McKinsey Quarterly is a must read if you are interested in productivity

There is a common assumption that if companies perform well, they must have good managers at all levels of the organization. It is, after all, hard to imagine a company surpassing its rivals if its managers are second rate. New research now confirms the notion that management matters to all companies, including the top performers. (MORE)
The Link between management and productivity

Upgrading talent

Downturns place companies’ talent strategies at risk. As deteriorating performance forces increasingly aggressive head count reductions, it’s easy to lose valuable contributors inadvertently, damage morale or the company’s external reputation among potential employees, or drop the ball on important training and staff-development programs. But there is a better way. By emphasizing talent in cost-cutting efforts, employers can intelligently strengthen the value proposition they offer current and potential employees and position themselves strongly for growth when economic conditions improve. (MORE)
Upgrading talent -
A downturn can give smart companies a chance to upgrade their talent.

Friday, November 21, 2008

MHR: 2009 Posting

To make it easier to access all the posting on related topics, I am including the following:

All assignments should adopt the Harvard style referencing. Please read the document at the following link:

Harvard Referencing - Audio Presentation from USQ

Harvard Referencing

Harvard Referencing

References and Bibliography

Harvard Bibiliograpghy Reference Generator

Get your punctuation and grammar right. Try the following site:


Grammar Exercises

Academic writing & critical thinking Learn how to write a good essay. Visit:
Writing an essay

Introduction to Management Principles
In order to do well in the Management and MHR module you should have a good understanding about the management principles and practices. You should at least read a basic textbook on management. For a quick familiarisation of Management principles and practices you may visit the following web sites:


Principles of Scientific Management
The study of management principles and practices is not complete until you have some basic understanding of Frederick Taylor's scientific management principles. You need to first know the basic details of the principles. You should also familiarise yourself with the relevance of the principles to a modern business organisation. You should find the following web links useful.

You can read Tarylor's book by following the link below:
The Principles of Scientific Management

Frederick Taylor's The Principles of Scientific Management

The following link analyse the Taylor's principle and its relevance to employee motivation:
The Scientific Management and Frederick Taylor - an analysis

An interesting analysis of Taylor's principles. Visit:
The Evolution of Innovation

Scientific Management

Business Ethics

Business Ethics

Job Analysis
Job analysis is carried out as part of HR Planning. There are several reasons for conducting Job Analysis. Read the recommended chapter in your text book (Human Resource Management by Gary Dessler) and the articles at the following websites. At the end of the reading, you should be able to explain the following concepts:

- What is Job Analysis?
- Job description and Job specification
- Reasons for conducting job analysis.
- Methods of data collection for job analysis
- Steps you will adopt when conducting job analysis

Job analysis
Job Analysis - an overview
Employee tasks & Job analysis

Recruitment & Selection
You will be able to learn almost all aspects of recruitment and selection from the following site (maintained by The Open University):

Recruitment & selection

Once recruitment is settled it is time to move on to selection. You should familiarise yourself on the following aspects of selection:
- Selections tests
- What is job interview and its purpose
- Common errors associated with job interviews
- Steps/solutions you need to adopt to make the selction interview effective.

Read the articles at the following sites:
Selection Process
Selection Tests
Successful Hiring
Successful selection

Training & Development
Resources on Training & Development
Benefits of Training
Training - is it worth?
Training Needs Analysis
Training Evaluation
Evaluating the training

Performance Appraisal
Read the articles at the following websites to familiarise yourself about Performance Appraisal:
Introduction to performance appraisal
Common Appraisal Errors
Why performance appraisal won't work?"
Conducting Employee Appraisal

International Assignment Practices
The International assignment is an important component of HR. Read the following articles:
Am I Ready for that International Assignment?
Reducing the Failure of International assignment
The Benefits of International Assignment
Knowledge@Wharton offers a range of articles on HRM, leadership and several other management related topics. Hope you will find it useful. You may be asked to sign in with an email, but it is worth the trouble. The email is used to just update you about the latest articles.

Additional Resources on HRM
HRM articles ar Wharton

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The GE Mckinsey Nine Box Matrix

Enduring ideas: The GE–McKinsey nine-box matrix
In one of a series of interactive presentations, McKinsey alumnus Kevin Coyne describes the GE–McKinsey nine-box matrix, a framework that offers a systematic approach for the multibusiness corporation to prioritize its investments among its business units.

The GE McKinsey nineboxmatrix

Monday, October 27, 2008

Managing Your Career

Are you enjoying your work? If joy at work is something that is impossible for you, its time to learn practical strategies. To cope with your life you need to enjoy your work most of the time. Read the following articles:

How to survive an overwhelming job


5 ways to manage a lousy boss

Battling your boss

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Managing Knowledge

The following articles from NASA publication provide very interesting perspective on Knowledge management.

Preserving Deep Smarts at NASA
Dorothy Leonard and Walter Swap

"By 2006, almost half of NASA's workers will be eligible for retirement, many of them in science and engineering.

Some of the knowledge likely to walk out the door is obsolete, irrelevant, or otherwise useless. But some of it is irreplaceable. Moreover, much is tacit, that is, not articulated in any form easily retrieved by others. And the most valuable of that expertise fits our definition of "deep smarts"... MORE
Knowledge management at NASA

"The Knowledge Sharing Initiative promotes excellence in project management and engineering leadership development. Its primary strategy focuses on gathering and sharing knowledge and wisdom from the best program/project and engineering leaders across the Agency. This initiative has proven to be an effective catalyst in building and supporting ongoing NASA communities of practice." MORE.. Knowledge Sharing

ASK MAGAZINE from NASA: "The Academy of Program/Project and Engineering Leadership (APPEL) and ASK Magazine help NASA managers and project teams accomplish today's missions and meet tomorrow's challenges by sponsoring knowledge-sharing events and publications, providing performance enhancement services and tools, supporting career development programs, and creating opportunities for project management and engineering collaboration with universities, professional associations, industry partners, and other government agencies... (.ASK Magazine from NASA

Friday, October 24, 2008

Managing Your Career: Creating Favorable Professional Image

managing Your Career demands a number of responses. For one thing you are expected to create and sustain a positive image that is professional. It is more than just managing your dressing. You should also learn how to present your ideas. Visit the following site for additional information.

Managing Your Career

Creating an Effective Presentation

Keeping a Professional Image

Monday, September 15, 2008

Creative Thinking @ Work, 22&23 September

Unfolding the Power of Creativity

Workshop on 22&23 September 2008
$495 including 2 coffee breaks & lunch, YWCA Fort Canning Lodge
Call 63370098 for registration

Do we really need to innovate? Once you recognize the fact that business organizations are under tremendous pressure to generate innovative ideas that are sought after by the market, you will no longer ask that question. Instead you’ll ask – How do we go about innovating for new ideas in our workplace? Organisations and senior managers accept the reality that the only way to remain viable and grow is to remain competitive through innovative products and services. Managers, Supervisors and Team Leaders play a critical role in the creative and innovation process in the organization.

In order to innovate for new ideas at the workplace, employees at all levels within the organization need to be trained on how to seek new ideas through creative approaches in their thinking. This requires the acceptance that creative thinking can be taught and be applied in a systematic manner. Once employees learn to ask SMART and RIGHT questions they will be able to generate useful and innovative ideas for their organization’s needs. This workshop is designed to train employees to ask SMART and RIGHT questions that will unfold great opportunities.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

DHRM (PSB Academy): Training & Development

Those who are in the T&D module may find the following links useful:

All assignments should adopt the Harvard style referencing. Please read the document at the following link:

Harvard Referencing - Audio Presentation from USQ

Harvard Referencing

Harvard Referencing

References and Bibliography

Harvard Bibiliograpghy Reference Generator

Get your punctuation and grammar right. Try the following site:


Grammar Exercises

Academic writing & critical thinking Learn how to write a good essay. Visit:
Writing an essay

T&D Related Content:

Training Design Process

Training Design

Benchmarking Basics

Benefits of Benchmarking

Benchmarking Steps

Benefits of multimedia delivery

Multimedia in training

Training Needs Analysis

making The Training Fits Your Business Needs

Training Evaluation

Adult Learning Theory

Principles of Adult Learning Theory

Understanding Adult Learning Theories

Self-Directed Learning

Learning Organisation

OJT - Singapore Experiences

OJT for the New Economy

DHRM (PSB Academy): Environment of HRM

To make things easier for those who are studying the above module all the relevant background papers are listed in a single posting below:

All academic essays/assignments should adopt Hravard Referencing.Visit the following site for details:

Harvard Referencing

Harvard Referencing - Audio Presentation from USQ

Harvard Referencing

References and Bibliography

Harvard Bibiliograpghy Reference Generator
Get your punctuation and grammar right. Try the following site:


Grammar Exercises

Academic writing & critical thinking
Learn how to write a good essay. Visit:
Writing an essay
e-Guide to The Employment Act of Singapore

Guidelines on Employment Practices

Case studies on Good Employment Practices in Singapore

Human Resource & Business Environment

What is Contract of Service?

Cost of Teacher Turnover

Cost of employee turnover

Organising Process

Organizational Evolution in a ‘Boundaryless’ Organization

From Traditional to Virtual Organisation: Implications for Work ...

Organisational Culture: Establishing what makes an Organisation Attractive

Understanding Organisation Culture and Innovation: A Case Study ...

Organisation Culture

Procedural Justice

Continuous Process Improvement

Kaizen - Continuous Improvement


Saturday, August 9, 2008

MHR: Video Clips

If you wish to capture Dr Naomi Rotter's lecture in video try the following link:

HRM Videos


HRM Videos

PBMII: principles of Management

To make it easier to access all the posting on related topics (PBM II), I am including the following:

All assignments should adopt the Harvard style referencing. Please read the document at the following link:

Harvard Referencing - Audio Presentation from USQ

Harvard Referencing

Harvard Referencing

References and Bibliography

Harvard Bibiliograpghy Reference Generator

Get your punctuation and grammar right. Try the following site:


Grammar Exercises

Academic writing & critical thinking Learn how to write a good essay. Visit:
Writing an essay

Introduction to Management Principles
In order to do well in the Management and MHR module you should have a good understanding about the management principles and practices. You should at least read a basic textbook on management. For a quick familiarisation of Management principles and practices you may visit the following web sites:


Principles of Management: PDF Book

Fayol's 14 Principles of management

Principles of Scientific Management
The study of management principles and practices is not complete until you have some basic understanding of Frederick Taylor's scientific management principles. You need to first know the basic details of the principles. You should also familiarise yourself with the relevance of the principles to a modern business organisation. You should find the following web links useful.

You can read Tarylor's book by following the link below:
The Principles of Scientific Management

Frederick Taylor's The Principles of Scientific Management

The following link analyse the Taylor's principle and its relevance to employee motivation:
The Scientific Management and Frederick Taylor - an analysis

An interesting analysis of Taylor's principles. Visit:
The Evolution of Innovation

Scientific Management

Business Ethics

Business Ethics

Friday, August 8, 2008

Human Resource Management by Naomi Rotter

Lecture 01 - An Introduction to Human Resource Management

Lecture 02 - HRM Environments - Part 1

Lecture 03 - HRM Environments - Part 2

Lecture 04 - Managing Workforce Diversity

Lecture 05 - HR Planning

Lecture 06 - Human Resource Information Systems

Lecture 07 - Job Analysis

Lecture 08 - Recruitment

Lecture 09 - Staffing and Strategy Part 1

Lecture 10 - Staffing and Strategy Part 2

Lecture 11 - Training Part 1

Lecture 12 - Training Part 2

Lecture 13 - Career Development Part 1

Lecture 14 - Career Development Part 2

Lecture 15 - Performance Management and Appraisal Part 1

Lecture 16 - Performance Management and Appraisal Part 2

Lecture 17 - Compensation Stratery and Structure

Lecture 18 - Performance Based Pay

Lecture 19 - Benefits

Lecture 20 - Motivational Strategies

Lecture 21 - Union & Labor Relations

Lecture 22 - Collective Bargaining

Lecture 24 - EAP & Wellness Programs

Lecture 23 - Occupational Safety & Health

Lecture 26 - Organizational Strategy and HRM Effectiveness

Lecture 25 - International Aspects of HRM

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

MHR: 2008 Postings

To make it easier to access all the posting on related topics, I am including the following:

All assignments should adopt the Harvard style referencing. Please read the document at the following link:

Harvard Referencing - Audio Presentation from USQ

Harvard Referencing

Harvard Referencing

References and Bibliography

Harvard Bibiliograpghy Reference Generator

Get your punctuation and grammar right. Try the following site:


Grammar Exercises

Academic writing & critical thinking Learn how to write a good essay. Visit:
Writing an essay

Introduction to Management Principles
In order to do well in the Management and MHR module you should have a good understanding about the management principles and practices. You should at least read a basic textbook on management. For a quick familiarisation of Management principles and practices you may visit the following web sites:



Principles of Scientific Management
The study of management principles and practices is not complete until you have some basic understanding of Frederick Taylor's scientific management principles. You need to first know the basic details of the principles. You should also familiarise yourself with the relevance of the principles to a modern business organisation. You should find the following web links useful.

You can read Tarylor's book by following the link below:
The Principles of Scientific Management

Frederick Taylor's The Principles of Scientific Management

The following link analyse the Taylor's principle and its relevance to employee motivation:
The Scientific Management and Frederick Taylor - an analysis

An interesting analysis of Taylor's principles. Visit:
The Evolution of Innovation

Scientific Management

Business Ethics

Business Ethics

Job Analysis
Job analysis is carried out as part of HR Planning. There are several reasons for conducting Job Analysis. Read the recommended chapter in your text book (Human Resource Management by Gary Dessler) and the articles at the following websites. At the end of the reading, you should be able to explain the following concepts:

- What is Job Analysis?
- Job description and Job specification
- Reasons for conducting job analysis.
- Methods of data collection for job analysis
- Steps you will adopt when conducting job analysis

Job analysis
Job Analysis - an overview
Employee tasks & Job analysis

Recruitment & Selection
You will be able to learn almost all aspects of recruitment and selection from the following site (maintained by The Open University):

Recruitment & selection

Once recruitment is settled it is time to move on to selection. You should familiarise yourself on the following aspects of selection:
- Selections tests
- What is job interview and its purpose
- Common errors associated with job interviews
- Steps/solutions you need to adopt to make the selction interview effective.

Read the articles at the following sites:
Selection Process
Selection Tests
Successful Hiring
Successful selection

Training & Development
Resources on Training & Development
Benefits of Training
Training - is it worth?
Training Needs Analysis
Training Evaluation
Evaluating the training

Performance Appraisal
Read the articles at the following websites to familiarise yourself about Performance Appraisal:
Introduction to performance appraisal
Common Appraisal Errors
Why performance appraisal won't work?"
Conducting Employee Appraisal

International Assignment Practices
The International assignment is an important component of HR. Read the following articles:
Am I Ready for that International Assignment?
Reducing the Failure of International assignment
The Benefits of International Assignment
Knowledge@Wharton offers a range of articles on HRM, leadership and several other management related topics. Hope you will find it useful. You may be asked to sign in with an email, but it is worth the trouble. The email is used to just update you about the latest articles.

Additional Resources on HRM
HRM articles ar Wharton

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Compensation & benefits

Some sites for those researching on Staff Compensation & benefits.


Compensation at Intel, Singapore

Friday, March 14, 2008

Wireless Transmission of Electricity

n the past, people like Nikola Telsa did attempt to beam electricity around wirelessly. That attempt that started during the late 19th century came to an end when funding ran out for his research. When the world was willing to live with wired network of electricity, the reason for developing wireless network to transmit electricity took a back seat.

Recently Marin Soljačić, from MIT, was dragged out of bed by the insistent beeping of a cell phone. "This one didn't want to stop until you plugged it in for charging," says Soljačić. In his exhausted state, he wished the phone would just begin charging itself as soon as it was brought into the house.

That problem triggered the journey for wireless transmission. Watch the video

Wireless Energy

Saturday, March 1, 2008

HRM: Recruitment

The internal recruitment is one source of recruitment. There are several benefits associated with the practice. However, one should also be aware of the shortcomings of the practice. Read the materials at the following sites

Internal recruitment

Benefits of Internal Recruitment

Friday, January 25, 2008

Social Responsibility & Ethics

Should a business consider social responsibility? Those who subscribe to classical view of the concept will say 'no' to the socio-economic view held by progressive business owners and managers. Business firms and organistions are beginning to recognise the usefulness of the concept as a competitive tool.

Social Responsibility

Managing Ethics

Friday, December 28, 2007

Managing Office Politics

Do you know how to manage the office politics in your workplace? Sooner you master the skills to manage the office politics, better will be your work life. Read the article.

Play Office Politics Without Dirty

Sunday, December 23, 2007

MHR: Resources

To make it easier to access all the posting on related topics, I am including the following:

All assignments should adopt the Harvard style referencing. Please read the document at the following link:

Harvard Referencing - Audio Presentation from USQ

Harvard Referencing

Harvard Referencing

References and Bibliography

Harvard Bibiliograpghy Reference Generator

Get your punctuation and grammar right. Try the following site:


Grammar Exercises

Academic writing & critical thinking Learn how to write a good essay. Visit:
Writing an essay

Introduction to Management Principles
In order to do well in the Management and MHR module you should have a good understanding about the management principles and practices. You should at least read a basic textbook on management. For a quick familiarisation of Management principles and practices you may visit the following web sites:



Principles of Scientific Management
The study of management principles and practices is not complete until you have some basic understanding of Frederick Taylor's scientific management principles. You need to first know the basic details of the principles. You should also familiarise yourself with the relevance of the principles to a modern business organisation. You should find the following web links useful.

You can read Tarylor's book by following the link below:
The Principles of Scientific Management

Frederick Taylor's The Principles of Scientific Management

The following link analyse the Taylor's principle and its relevance to employee motivation:
The Scientific Management and Frederick Taylor - an analysis

An interesting analysis of Taylor's principles. Visit:
The Evolution of Innovation

Scientific Management

Business Ethics

Business Ethics

Job Analysis
Job analysis is carried out as part of HR Planning. There are several reasons for conducting Job Analysis. Read the recommended chapter in your text book (Human Resource Management by Gary Dessler) and the articles at the following websites. At the end of the reading, you should be able to explain the following concepts:

- What is Job Analysis?
- Job description and Job specification
- Reasons for conducting job analysis.
- Methods of data collection for job analysis
- Steps you will adopt when conducting job analysis

Job analysis
Job Analysis - an overview
Employee tasks & Job analysis

Recruitment & Selection
You will be able to learn almost all aspects of recruitment and selection from the following site (maintained by The Open University):

Recruitment & selection

Once recruitment is settled it is time to move on to selection. You should familiarise yourself on the following aspects of selection:
- Selections tests
- What is job interview and its purpose
- Common errors associated with job interviews
- Steps/solutions you need to adopt to make the selction interview effective.

Read the articles at the following sites:
Selection Process
Selection Tests
Successful Hiring
Successful selection

Training & Development
Resources on Training & Development
Benefits of Training
Training - is it worth?
Training Needs Analysis
Training Evaluation
Evaluating the training

Performance Appraisal
Read the articles at the following websites to familiarise yourself about Performance Appraisal:
Introduction to performance appraisal
Common Appraisal Errors
Why performance appraisal won't work?"
Conducting Employee Appraisal

International Assignment Practices
The International assignment is an important component of HR. Read the following articles:
Am I Ready for that International Assignment?
Reducing the Failure of International assignment
The Benefits of International Assignment
Knowledge@Wharton offers a range of articles on HRM, leadership and several other management related topics. Hope you will find it useful. You may be asked to sign in with an email, but it is worth the trouble. The email is used to just update you about the latest articles.

Additional Resources on HRM
HRM articles ar Wharton

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Harvard Referencing

All assignments should adopt the Harvard style referencing. Please read the document at the following link:

Harvard Referencing - Audio Presentation from USQ

Harvard Referencing

Harvard Referencing

Get your punctuation and grammar right. Try the following site:


Grammar Exercises

Academic writing & critical thinking
Learn how to write a good essay. Visit:
Writing an essay

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Treating Customers Like Sheikhs

What makes Emirates different? The airline had just $10 million dollars investment 22 years ago. It is an international airline that is known for its outstanding service. How it happened?

Maurice Flanagan's Emirates Airline: Flying High and Treating Customers like Sheikhs Published: December 12, 2007 in Knowledge@Wharton

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007

Leadership articles from Centre for Creative Leadership

10 Trends: A Study of Senior Executives' Views on the Future. This new, groundbreaking research reveals what global business leaders believe are the 10 biggest trends in effective leadership. Among them: collaboration, innovation and talent management.(Source CCT website). Ten Trends

Leadership Development: Past, Present, and Future "This article reviews notable trends in the leadership development field. In the past two decades, such trends included the proliferation of new leadership development methods and a growing recognition of the importance of a leader's emotional resonance with others. (CCT website)
Leadership Development: Past, Present, and Future

The Everyday Leadership research study attempts to better understand non-traditional leaders -- stay-at-home moms, small business owners, students, doctors, educators -- by gaining insights into their personal lives, their thoughts and theories about the practice of leadership, and their hopes for the future. The Everyday Leadership

The State of Teams - A Research White Paper from CCL
CCL's 2006 State of Teams white paper provides a broad look at the challenges, needs, and functioning of teams in today's organizations.The State of Teams

DHRM: Env of HRM

To make things easier for those who are studying the above module all the relevant background papers are listed in a single posting below:

e-Guide to The Employment Act of Singapore

Guidelines on Employment Practices

Case studies on Good Employment Practices in Singapore

Human Resource & Business Environment

Cost of Teacher Turnover

Cost of employee turnover

Organising Process

Organizational Evolution in a ‘Boundaryless’ Organization

From Traditional to Virtual Organisation: Implications for Work ...

Organisational Culture: Establishing what makes an Organisation Attractive

Understanding Organisation Culture and Innovation: A Case Study ...

Organisation Culture

Procedural Justice

All academic essays/assignments should adopt Hravard Referencing.Visit the following site for details:

Harvard Referencing

Get your punctuation and grammar right. Try the following site:


Grammar Exercises

Academic writing & critical thinking
Learn how to write a good essay. Visit:
Writing an essay

Friday, October 5, 2007

HRM articles at Knowledge@Wharton

Knowledge@Wharton offers a range of articles on HRM, leadership and several other management related topics. Hope you will find it useful. You may be asked to sign in with an email, but it is worth the trouble. The email is used to just update you about the latest articles.

HRM articles ar Wharton

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Links to Magazines and Newspapers

Visit the following links to keep track of latest business developments:


Time Magazine


Thursday, September 27, 2007

Recruitment Strategies That Work

How are you going to attrcat talented employees? Is there any way you can cope with big boys in the industry? Read the article at workforce.

Recruitment Strategies


How HR practices are connected to Business Strategy?

Read the article titled 'Manage Tomorrow Today'.

How and why should we manage the people in the organisation? What should we do when managing human capital? Read the article using the link below.

Manage Tomorrow Today

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

How ro Write a great assignment?

All academic essays/assignments should adopt Hravard Referencing.Visit the following site for details:

Harvard Referencing

Get your punctuation and grammar right. Try the following site:


Grammar Exercises

Academic writing & critical thinking
Learn how to write a good essay. Visit:
Writing an essay

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Work-Life Programme

The following site offers information about work-life programme and practices.

CSR Singapore

Work Life practices at ABN AMRO

Visit the following link and read the documents on Work-life strategies.

Work-life Strategies

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Self Improvement

We need to aacquire the right habits to keep growing. Without self improvement it would be impossible to grow and experience success in our life. The blogLifeskills4success offers a number of links and articles aimed at self improvement. Click here for details: Lifeskills4success

Monday, August 13, 2007

Harvard Style Referencing

All assignments should adopt the Harvard style referencing. Please read the document at the following link:

Harvard Referencing - Audio Presentation from USQ

Harvard Referencing

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Customer Service -Getting it Right

Every business organisation knows the importance of customer service standards. Some simply stay with a practical but a powerful GST approach - Ask their employees to Greet, Smile and say Thank You. When every business start incorporating GST in their service standards, you no longer enjoys a competitive advantage. Is there a way to stand out from the rest of crowd? You have to make sure every employee at all levels are actively involved in making their service speacial and unique. Employees at all levels with differing abilities can actively participate in proving customer service. If you want your employees at all level to go for the extra mile, then ask each one to watch this video in the link provided below.

If you are keen to get a in-house customer service excellence workshop for your organisation then: Send E-Mail to Centre for Creatve Thinking. Clients from Malaysia may call: 012-3479113 as well as email for details.

Customer Service Excellence - An Inspiring Video

Friday, August 10, 2007

PBM: Total Quality Management

The TQM is seen as a competitive advantage. When organisations are unable to compete on pricing, the only option is gain a competitive advantage based on quality. What is TQM and their principles? Try the following links:


Understanding TQM

Monday, July 30, 2007

Leadership Development Plan

Is it possible to develop the leadership potential within you? First you must belief that you have the potential for becoming a leader. It is that belief that becomes the basis when unfolding the leadership potentrial within you.

A thorough self awareness of your strengths and weaknesses is the first step if you are keen to develop the leadership skills. Seeking feedback form your friends, colleagues and close family members is one way to assess your strengths and weaknesses. If you are not so comfortable seeking feedback from thes egroup, then stepping aside and learning to self relflect is another option. You should be able to identify a number of assessment tools you can use to identify your areas of expertise, strengths and weaknesses.

Complete the assessment tool below to gain a better understanding about yourself:

Know yourself

Understanding Leadership

Then start with the ledaership development plan referred in the following document:

Developing The Leadership Within You

Managing Organizational Culture

Why should anyone be bothered about organisational culture? What is organizational culture? A common shared meaning right across the organisation is generally seen as the culture of the firm. In other words that is their way doing things in that place. There seems to be a common understanding among the employees, even though not everyone understand the reasons for doing them. The rituals and work processes are simply adopted as the norm.

Read the following articles at the three links for a better understanding of the topics:

Culture and Chrysler

Understanding Culture

Comprehensive view on Organizational Culture

Relevance of Performance Appraisal

Almost all the organizations carry out employee evaluation on a regular basis. The exercise carried right across the organisation attempts to document the employees' performance using certain standard forms. Though there are some valid reasons for conducting staff performance evaluation, there are people who argues that the annual exercise simply waste valuable time. Citing the various shortcomings of the HR functions they argue that the activity be dropped completly.

Is that the right thing to do? Should we discontinue the practice of conducting staff appraisal?It would be more appropriate to identify the shortcomings of the staff performance evaluation and take corrective actions to deal with the problems, instead of simply dropping it altogether. In this way one can still take full advantage of the benefits of employee performance review. The staff performance is closely tied up to the whole range of HR activities. The overall effectivenes sof the HR functions can't be harnesses without conducting employee performance review on a regular basis.

What should be the approach? The Harvard Business Week attempts to answer the related questions about performance appraisal. Enjoy the article.

Performance Appraisal

Sunday, July 22, 2007

MHR: Understanding HR Functions

Read the articles using the link below for a better understanding of the various functions of HRM.

Performance Appraisal

Workforce diversity

Employee Motivation

Monday, July 16, 2007

Managing Your Job Interview

How do you cope with a job interview? Are you prepared to do well in your next job interview. Look at the link provided. read the related stories. Don't forget to search the Internet for additional information on how to manage your next job interview.

Managing Your Next Job Interview Well

What to Wear?

Men's Clothing

What to do after a Job Interview?

Changing Nature of Workplace

The 21st century business corporations are going through radical changes. This appears to be the only way to cope with the challenges facing the business firm. How can these companies continue to attract and retain the best talent. Hopefully the following article from Business week will throw some light.

New Work Place


Managing Meetings - Other Options