Monday, September 15, 2008

Creative Thinking @ Work, 22&23 September

Unfolding the Power of Creativity

Workshop on 22&23 September 2008
$495 including 2 coffee breaks & lunch, YWCA Fort Canning Lodge
Call 63370098 for registration

Do we really need to innovate? Once you recognize the fact that business organizations are under tremendous pressure to generate innovative ideas that are sought after by the market, you will no longer ask that question. Instead you’ll ask – How do we go about innovating for new ideas in our workplace? Organisations and senior managers accept the reality that the only way to remain viable and grow is to remain competitive through innovative products and services. Managers, Supervisors and Team Leaders play a critical role in the creative and innovation process in the organization.

In order to innovate for new ideas at the workplace, employees at all levels within the organization need to be trained on how to seek new ideas through creative approaches in their thinking. This requires the acceptance that creative thinking can be taught and be applied in a systematic manner. Once employees learn to ask SMART and RIGHT questions they will be able to generate useful and innovative ideas for their organization’s needs. This workshop is designed to train employees to ask SMART and RIGHT questions that will unfold great opportunities.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

DHRM (PSB Academy): Training & Development

Those who are in the T&D module may find the following links useful:

All assignments should adopt the Harvard style referencing. Please read the document at the following link:

Harvard Referencing - Audio Presentation from USQ

Harvard Referencing

Harvard Referencing

References and Bibliography

Harvard Bibiliograpghy Reference Generator

Get your punctuation and grammar right. Try the following site:


Grammar Exercises

Academic writing & critical thinking Learn how to write a good essay. Visit:
Writing an essay

T&D Related Content:

Training Design Process

Training Design

Benchmarking Basics

Benefits of Benchmarking

Benchmarking Steps

Benefits of multimedia delivery

Multimedia in training

Training Needs Analysis

making The Training Fits Your Business Needs

Training Evaluation

Adult Learning Theory

Principles of Adult Learning Theory

Understanding Adult Learning Theories

Self-Directed Learning

Learning Organisation

OJT - Singapore Experiences

OJT for the New Economy

DHRM (PSB Academy): Environment of HRM

To make things easier for those who are studying the above module all the relevant background papers are listed in a single posting below:

All academic essays/assignments should adopt Hravard Referencing.Visit the following site for details:

Harvard Referencing

Harvard Referencing - Audio Presentation from USQ

Harvard Referencing

References and Bibliography

Harvard Bibiliograpghy Reference Generator
Get your punctuation and grammar right. Try the following site:


Grammar Exercises

Academic writing & critical thinking
Learn how to write a good essay. Visit:
Writing an essay
e-Guide to The Employment Act of Singapore

Guidelines on Employment Practices

Case studies on Good Employment Practices in Singapore

Human Resource & Business Environment

What is Contract of Service?

Cost of Teacher Turnover

Cost of employee turnover

Organising Process

Organizational Evolution in a ‘Boundaryless’ Organization

From Traditional to Virtual Organisation: Implications for Work ...

Organisational Culture: Establishing what makes an Organisation Attractive

Understanding Organisation Culture and Innovation: A Case Study ...

Organisation Culture

Procedural Justice

Continuous Process Improvement

Kaizen - Continuous Improvement
