Monday, July 30, 2007

Relevance of Performance Appraisal

Almost all the organizations carry out employee evaluation on a regular basis. The exercise carried right across the organisation attempts to document the employees' performance using certain standard forms. Though there are some valid reasons for conducting staff performance evaluation, there are people who argues that the annual exercise simply waste valuable time. Citing the various shortcomings of the HR functions they argue that the activity be dropped completly.

Is that the right thing to do? Should we discontinue the practice of conducting staff appraisal?It would be more appropriate to identify the shortcomings of the staff performance evaluation and take corrective actions to deal with the problems, instead of simply dropping it altogether. In this way one can still take full advantage of the benefits of employee performance review. The staff performance is closely tied up to the whole range of HR activities. The overall effectivenes sof the HR functions can't be harnesses without conducting employee performance review on a regular basis.

What should be the approach? The Harvard Business Week attempts to answer the related questions about performance appraisal. Enjoy the article.

Performance Appraisal

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